Staying Mentally Healthy
We all work hard to keep our bodies’ healthy, but what about our minds?
Just like our physical health, it is important that we keep our mental health in check to prevent serious challenges down the road. Here are some great ways to keep your brain happy and healthy.
Focus Time: Closely focus on tasks in a goal-oriented way, taking on challenges that make deep connections in the brain. For example, learn how to take photos, or repair a bicycle!
Play Time: Allow yourself to be spontaneous, creative and playful! Enjoying these experiences helps make new connections in the brain – not to mention it’s fun! You could organize a snowball fight, try your hand at painting, or sing your heart out to your favourite artist!
Connecting Time: When we connect with other people or take time to connect with nature we richly activate the brain’s relational circuitry. You could call your mom, or ask a friend to chat over lunch. It’s incredible what authentic connection can do for us!
Physical Time: Healthy body, healthy mind. Moving our bodies enriches our brain in many ways. This doesn’t mean you must spend hours at a gym. Take on a new sport, take your dog for a run, or go for a hike! Not only is it healthy, it can also be a great way to have some fun!
Alone Time: Sometimes it’s healthy to just be alone. When we quietly reflect internally, focusing on sensations, images, feelings and thoughts, it helps to better integrate the brain.
Down Time: When we don’t focus on anything, and let our mind wander or simply relax, it helps our brain recharge. This could mean going on a walk, or laying on the couch and just being.
Sleep Time: Good sleep is key in our mental wellness. When we give the brain the rest it needs, it can consolidate learning and recover from the experiences of the day. Here are some sleep tips.